"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

Albert Einstein

Workplace Spirituality Briefing for Managers

How to create a unified workplace filled with inner calm, elevated awareness and vibrant strength.

Workplace Spirituality (WS) is sweeping through the international corporate world fueled by an enormous amount of popular books published every year.  Business periodicals are filled with articles on spirituality in general, and in particular, the workplace.  We begin this suite of workshops by discussing what is happening out there providing you a brief history and a current snapshot of the movement.  Contemporary definitions and terminology will be explored.

Our approach will be presented and worked through.  How WS is manifested in the workplace and how it can look in your work place are workshopped within a change management framework.  Our focus will be on the practical issues of implementation and the benefits of introducing WS ideas into your workplace.  Case studies will be presented and participants are encouraged to discuss their own experiences and workplaces.

We focus on both the organizational and individual perspective of Workplace Spirituality.  Through the sheer weight of our experience, we tend towards Western Spirituality (Western form of Yoga), however, our approach is syncretic and universal and we do not promote any one spiritual movement ahead of any other (we do not proselytize—actually that is forbidden!)

Workshop Content

Our introductory course is equally divided between theory, discussion and practice.  Some of the exercises include:

Key Benefits

Our Experienced Presenters

Nicholas Romas

Anne Foletta

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