A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

Albert Einstein
Kiron's Helping Hand

Executive Rescue

Executives can lose their way too, and during those difficult times a little external guidance and wayshowing may be all that is required to set them and their organizations on the right paths again.

Save the executive – save the business.  Save the executive – save the worplace. Save the project manager – save the project. Even when we are working on the other side of the equation, that is, rescuing the business or the project, we are always working through the executive or the project manager, respectively. 

Our executive rescue program focuses on the issues that are stopping the executive from reaching their goals.   Our executive rescue program is an intense version of our CEO and Senior Management Mentoring and Support program.

Our programs have been successful in providing a range of rescue services to CEO’s and senior managers in engineering and non-engineering organizations.

Our executive rescue program is aimed at:

The Premises

Our executive program is based on the following premises:

Initial Briefing

The process starts with a detailed briefing in order to:

Confirmation Briefing

The first session is held a few days after the initial briefing and is a one-to-one session aiming at:

There are no costs up to this stage.

The Program — Regular meetings

Benefits of our Executive Rescue

How does our rescue program differ from our
CEO & Executive Support program?

Timing. Our CEO and Executive Support program is a medium to long-term program focusing on the development of the executive, especially the engineering executive. Our Executive Rescue program is more immediate focused on sustainably overcoming the current issues the executive is facing.

Who should consider calling for help?

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